Lol. If Alex is serious about this he's being rather silly. 99.9% of the people on this forum have studied silly claims and articles just like his for many years.
Dear Alex,
You're not telling anyone here anything new. Your approach is like the approach of a salesman who keeps pushing after you told him you already owned the product, it sucked, and you'll never buy that product again.
It's counterproductive and a waste of both your and our time.
You have our permission to write some field service hours on your report slip for preaching on this forum even without writing new posts.
Oh, and it looks like you're violating Watchtower copyright. Some people on the internet have experienced that Watchtower doesn't take lightly to that. Watchtower are willing to sue people over putting a single image from their literature on the internet unauthorized. So don't be surprised when Watchtower's lawyers come knocking on your door....